Are you living for today or tomorrow?
Driving my way into my weekend listening
to a little Steely Dan. Remember them?
These days I drive myself much less intensely. As awesome as things are I’m continuing working on watching my mind. Eliminating the trappings that send me down that road of obsessing (my natural state of mind) & not focusing on negative thoughts.
Usually, it means stepping away from a self-imposed project or deadline am RUSHING to complete.
I’ve learned the best I is the me that is centered, well rested and properly feed.
But I can easily slip into …the old me who’s constantly struggling to be more, do more
When I had my business in Atlanta that constant obsession to do more lasted more the 20 +years. It affected my health and most of my relationships. • My template for a job well done meant I needed to be exhausted and sacrifice everything. When there wasn’t any more of me, then I knew the job was done.
I see this over and over again with other entrepreneurs. This false sense of accomplishment we get from doing-doing-doing. Only to be left with not knowing ourselves and small goals of rest in retirement …then we die.
What are we waiting for? We are waiting for the perfect moment when all is somehow “set” & we can finally start to live. Waiting for fear to not exists. We wait until its too late and we have regrets & no time or poor health.
I think we can do better.
Life is now!
So now … when I feel those old feelings I stop what I’m doing.
I take a drive, a walk, breathe, do yoga …or, like this weekend take a trip to reconnecting with my guy. All to break my mental cycle… my natural tendency to being obsessive that isolates me from what I’ve come to learn makes my life rich. “Me time,” & reminds me what’s important…
To have success do you believe have to give up living today?
@KATHYCAMP_com is all about #livingageless, & creating conversations around #healthyliving, #vitalilty #freshstarts & #midlife dreams. # EXCorporateChick now a wellness, yoga lifestyle coach living in Spain