What’s so wrong with believing things will all work out?

So what’s so WRONG with believing it will all work out?

I don’t mean with Naïve optimism …
Nor will bitterness and cynicism…
Or even throwing up our hands and saying ‘F’-it we don’t care.

But trusting there is-a-process in everything believing in that “process.” Considering there’s a bigger picture playing out… Giving up our investment in seeing our mark made in our lifetime …or the seeds of change we’ve planted grow.

What if we saw somethings in our enemies that’s not so bad. Could a willingness to be open, to actually see and listen & adapt to what is rather than continuing to fight what could be the real starting place for a solution.

I think our long lives had shown us enough times when we were wrong, accusing & silence… that doing something else could have made a positive difference… if we had put our egos to the side & use understanding.

Just ask this 14th-century church door & street how many, tears or bloodsheds have been mixed into their surfaces… Only to adapt, be cleaned and polished, and returned to service. What Wars passed by …leaving them to standing to tell the story with their holes and gashed surfaces. We now look at them and see something beautiful. A deep patina of age and experience beauty.

Maybe everything will be fine.

Have Faith… I am


Kathy Camp In SpainKathy Camp is a entrepreneur and successful business owner for twenty-four years. At the age of 50 became a certified yoga instructor and a heath & wellness coach. Passionately Cultivating her brand of Ageless Living & Next Chapters. She is a midlife lifestyle strategist living her present chapter in Madrid Spain where she coaches international clients, creates Transitional retreat for women and is happily in a relationship with her partner renovating a first generational home in 15 century Spanish pueblo.